
A Leader in Safety and Health Education

The Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association, Inc. (VPPPA) is a leader in worksite and worker safety and health education through an established presence in each OSHA region, promoting a constructive and productive dialogue between labor, management, and regulators. We work closely with OSHA in the development and implementation of cooperative programs, providing expertise on rulemaking and policies.

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Today, VPP is a discretionary program that OSHA can eliminate or defund at any time. Safety is a nonpartisan issue, and the VPP Act will help the program remain a critical part of America’s workforce for generations to come, by making it a permanent part of OSHA. The Act grants VPP a line item in OSHA’s budget. Currently, program funding is through “Compliance Assistance – Federal,” alongside other cooperative initiatives. This legislation maintains the existing VPP process and ensures its continued success by codifying it and letting Congress control its funding directly.