National Protect Your Hearing Month

Contributor: Soundtrace October is National Protect Your Hearing Month, and there’s no better time to evaluate how you’re protecting your team from noise-induced hearing loss. As safety professionals, it’s our responsibility to lead from the front. We should be asking ourselves every day, “What do I need to do to set my team and employer National Protect Your Hearing Month

Workplace Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Contributor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Suicide is a leading cause of death among working-age adults in the United States. It deeply impacts workers, families, and communities. There were approximately 1.2 million suicide attempts in America in 2020. Tragically, more than 45,000 of these attempts were fatal.1 The construction industry has one of the Workplace Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Ergonomics: The New Frontier

Contributor: Scott Schneider, MS, FAIHA Ergonomics is not a four-letter word. Under the OSHA Act, every worker is guaranteed a workplace “free of recognized hazards.” Yet in 2020, a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that almost a quarter of a million workers in the United States lost work because of musculoskeletal disorders (Table MSD1) Ergonomics: The New Frontier